Weight Loss Tips

First of all, Decide how much weight you want to lose and you can do your best with the help of your Passion and Dedication and then this is often half the battle won.

                          Weight Loss Tips :

* Eat a Big Breakfast before 9 A.M.Research indicates that people who eat breakfast tend to consume fewer total calories throughout the day. A combo of high-fiber protein and carbs works best to keep you fuller longer (try high-fiber cereal with blueberries and milk, or eggs on an English muffin).

* Remember the 25-25-50 rule: Fill your plate with 25% complex carbs (whole grains, beans, or root vegetables like sweet potatoes), 25% lean protein, and 50% vegetables and/or fruit.

* Don’t Skip Meals! This slows down your metabolism by 20% to 30% and could lead you to overeat later on.

* Choose your meats carefully. Where you can, opt for fish instead. Cut back on fatty red meat like sirloin, and go for ground beef that’s at least 93% lean. Limit higher-fat “prime” or “select” cuts. Opt for sushi or sashimi if you can – that will increase the omega3 in your diet, and this sort of protein is healthier than red meat.

* Cut back on simple carbs like white bread and sweets, which may cause spikes in blood sugar and lead to water retention and puffiness—not to mention a crash in energy levels.

* Get enough sleep. Studies have found that sleeping fewer than 8 hours a night is linked to a higher body mass index (BMI); lack of sleep influences hormones that regulate your appetite.

* Rate your hunger on a scale of 1 (not at all hungry but could nibble) to 5 (famished); aim to eat only when you’re in the 3 to 4 range so you don’t binge and overeat.

* Visualize portion sizes and put everything on a plate so you can see exactly how much you’re eating. Don’t over eat by taking multiple portions of food – you will loose track.

* Don’t eat the same lunch (or breakfast or dinner) every day. Our bodies get used to the same foods—mixing it up will stoke your metabolism.

* Make a list of lighter substitutions and post it on your fridge. For example, dip baked chips in salsa instead of nacho cheese and spread toast with jam instead of butter.

* Sprinkle chili or red pepper flakes on corn rather than using butter.

* Make nothing totally off-limits. A study published in the journal Appetite found that labeling foods as “forbidden” can actually increase your cravings for them.

* Eat the right foods after exercising. Avoid a post-workout binge by deciding what you’ll eat ahead of time (try yogurt with fruit and a few nuts, or a glass of skim or soy milk).

                                 Weight Loss Tips :

Weight loss tip 1: Decide how much weight you need to lose - Most people start their weight loss journey by claiming to be xyz kilos overweight.  This isn't a healthy way to project or aim for weight loss. Calculate your desired weight against your height by using reliable methods like the BMI, and set a healthy weight loss target.

Weight loss tip 2: Time management - This is quite often overlooked. Decide which part of your day will be dedicated to exercise, when in the week you will stock up on groceries, and when you will do the cooking - all within your current work and home life routine. If you don't do this now, your days will be rushed and unplanned, and you won't be able to sustain your weight loss efforts.

Weight loss tip 3: Stock your kitchen - Keep your house well-stocked with fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains, cereals, spices, and flavourers. Follow our tricks to healthy cooking, cooking vegetables for the week, and low-fat cooking posts to understand how best you can stock your kitchen with healthy and delicious ingredients. All of this will go into helping the next step - cooking healthy meals at home.

Weight loss tip 4: Eat healthy homecooked meals - Whether it's you who's cooking, a family member, or house help, ensure that every one practises healthy cooking methods, and ingredients. Ask any person who's lost weight the healthy way, and you will always hear about how healthy homecooked meals were a big reason behind it. Use less oil, low salt, fresh produce, and you'll start seeing results in no time.

Weight loss tip 5 : Start a cardio + weights workout - A healthy weight loss programme is incomplete without a good exercise routine, and weight training mixed with cardio is the best way to lose weight. Of course, variations and forms exist, but any workout that stresses on muscle tone and increased heart rate will always help you lose weight and keep it off. You can either start a home workout today, or rely on gyms for fitness training.

Weight loss tip 6: Alter your snacking habits - At Health Me Up, we have several healthy snacking ideas for you. Set those French fries aside, skip that aerated drink, and ban those unhealthy deep fried samosas. Explore the healthy snack world and you will find several appetisers, party snacks, movie snacks and meal accompaniments that'll satisfy every craving of yours.

Weight loss tip 7: Have at least one active hobby - It isn't sufficient to rely on just 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Moving from bed to office chair, and back to bed, isn't a healthy way to live. Buy a motion sensor gaming console that lets you enjoy social games with friends and family, plan weekend trips, clean your house once a week, dance, play sports, the list is endless. Get out of the coffee shop and dining table rut, and you'll have fun along with the healthy weight loss.


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